Monday, October 27, 2008


The next few pages of my visual journal - Some images that represent different times in my life. There's my dog Miss Molly (1996 - 2007) who was the most amazing, beautiful pet anyone could ask for. She saw me through a lot of lifes ups and downs and I miss her dearly. The tree depicts what someone very special said to me once - "you're like a tree, tall and straight, heading straight for the sun".

Sunday, October 26, 2008


This very unusual sculpture is the next image in the photographic alphabet - J. Interesting to note that the sculpture is half jug, half human legs.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

This page is a look at pastel colours used in an interior space. I have a huge fascination with interior design and would love to undertake some study and one day persue it professionally.

The first page - I wanted this page to be a collection of words, statements, quotes and pictures that depicted the overall theme of the visual journal. Being creative is an important part of my life and I am continually inspired by a range of media and in different formats. The list of creative persuits are formats that I either enjoy working in, have in the past or want to in the future.

Which one sparks your creative energy?


This post starts the journey through my visual journal and some of the ideas I have been collecting and working on in recent times. This is the beginning......